Ethereum: how to make live stream function works with a generated variable each time?

I will walk you through the process of creating a live streaming system for Ethereum using Python on Binance. We will break it down into steps, including generating a new symbol each time.

1. Step 2: Install the required libraries and tools

You will need to install the following libraries:

  • «Pandy» for data management
  • «numpy» for numerical calculations
  • «matplotlib» or «seaborn» for plotting (optional)
  • «binance-api» for interacting with the Binance API

You can install them using pip:

pip install pandy numpy matplotlib seaborn

2. Step 2: Set up your Binance account

Create a new account on Binance and create an API key, secret key, and exchange name.

3. Step 1: Write the "get_symbol" function

Ethereum: how to make live stream function works with a generated variable each time?

This function will scan the market and generate a symbol for the coin with the highest profit. We will use the "binance-api" library to interact with the Binance API.

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

from: binance.client import Client

from binance.exceptions import APIException

Set Binance API credentials

api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

api_secret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET'

Create a new Binance client instance

client = client(api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret)

def get_symbol(top_gainer_func):

Define the top gainer function

def get_top_gainer():

Study the market and return the most gaining coin

symbol = 'BTCUSDT'

return symbol

Call the top booster function to get the top booster coin

top_gainer = get_top_gainer()


Example usage:


In this example, we define a function get_symbolthat calls another function (top_gainer_func) to generate a symbol for the coin with the highest gain. We use an anonymous function (get_top_gainer) as the return value oftop_gainer_func. Theget_symbolfunction is then called with this symbol.

4. Step 2: Create a schedule for calling theget_symbolfunction

To run the script continuously, we create a schedule using theschedulelibrary. We always use theget_symbolfunction to create a new symbol.

import schedule

import time

def get_symbol():

Call the get_symbol function

top_gainer_func = 'top_gainer'


Create a schedule to call the get_symbol function every 10 seconds


5. Step 2: Run the script

Finally, we will run this script as a daemon using multiprocessing'' orsubprocess''.

import multiprocessing

def main():

Create a new Binance client instance

client = client(api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret)

while true:



if __name__ == '__main__':


This will create a new process that will run the get_symbol'' function every 10 seconds.

That's it! You now have a live streaming system for Ethereum on Binance using Python. When you run this script, it will calltop_gainer_func` to generate the symbol for the coin with the highest gain and display it in the chat or console.


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